We will be kicking off 3 very important charitable drives at the upcoming clean out sale in Larchmont.
Please give from your heart. It doesn't take much if you have it!
If you are in need we will be happy to help you any way we can.
1. The Christmas Toy Drive: Please bring a new unwrapped toy for a boy or a girl to any of our sales. These toys will be handed out to sick children spending the Christmas holiday in local hospitals.
2. Food Drive: We accept unexpired canned and dry goods at all of our sales. These items are donated to local food pantries that desperately need the donations.
3. Winter Coat Drive: After watching the documentary about Father Mychal Judge, the FDNY Chaplin who was killed on 9/11, we have decided to try and pick up where he left off. I use the word “try” because he was a huge humanitarian force and outspoken advocate for the homeless and people suffering with aids and alcohol addiction. Few people can duplicate his spirit of giving but we’re going to try. We need winters coats in all sizes for men, women and children. Please make sure they are in clean wearable condition. The coats will be given out directly to the homeless by Lucky Rabbit Estate Sales staffers in and around New York.
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