Wednesday, July 25, 2012

A massive undertaking completed successfully

Storage Unit Tag Sale 

Lucky Rabbit Estate Sales
By: Paul J. Dunn

I’d like to thank everyone who patronized this incredible sale, especially those friends who are involved in the estate and tag sale industry.It was great to see you all again. 

I also have to thank my staff for all the hard work they put into making this two day sale a great success. They all preformed marvelously under the circumstances. 

This was not your normal tag sale by any means. This was a 5 bedroom Great Neck home stuffed into 3 storage rooms. We had to add 5 additional rooms to set it up properly. The task was daunting at first, but we persevered and got the job done. Like it says on our web site: “We are doers and our word means everything to us”

We sold 1000’s of items and had 100’s of customers shop over the two days. As always we made many new friends and we were happy to see that some old ones traveled so far to visit us. One gentleman drove all the way from Philadelphia. Happily he was able to purchase the item the item he came for.

A few of my competitors were offered this sale but they turned it down. Again I use the word “daunting” Yes it was a lot of hard work but there was an abundance of quality antiques and collectibles buried in the 100’s of boxes. The bottom line: Lucky Rabbit Estate Sales is not afraid of hard work! 

One competitor did offer to take the sale. However the client researched the company and the owners name only to discover that they were not reputable. If you read my blog regularly you know I advise you to Google the company name and the principal owners. (Google us) You wouldn't want to hire a convicted criminal to sell your valuables would you? In addition I also recommend visiting any company’s sales before hiring them.

Last but not least I need to thank the wonderful staff at Storage America. They were very helpful and understanding of the client’s situation. We did have bump or two in the road but we were able to work out all problems as they presented themselves.

If Lucky Rabbit Estate Sales could make a complex sale like this successful, just imagine what we can do for you! 

Our motto rings true! 

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